Become a Member
For Prospective DAR Members
If you are interested in joining DAR you can contact our national organization or our local chapter for more information.
To contact our DAR National Organization please visit www.dar.org. You can enter your information into the Membership Interest page under the Become a Member section. On the interest page you can specify that you are interested in joining the Canton Chapter, NSDAR.
If you would like to speak with someone from the Canton Chapter, NSDAR, directly about membership, please contact our chapter registrar for assistance.
Are you eligible to join? Any women 18 years or older who can prove lineal, bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible to join DAR. You must provide documentation for each generation showing birth, marriage, and death as well as the Revolutionary War service of your Patriot ancestor. Please contact our chapter registrar if you have any additional questions about membership. She will be able to guide you through the application process.
For NSDAR Members and Transfers
New to the Canton area? The Canton Chapter, NSDAR ,welcomes transfers and associate members from other chapters. Please email the Canton Chapter, NSDAR.