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Scholarships & Awards


National Society DAR Scholarships

The National Society awards scholarships and financial aid each year to high school and college students from diverse backgrounds, who are pursuing varied disciplines. .


Contests, Awards, and Medals

American History Essay Contest

This contest is for students in grades 5-8 and includes public, private, parochial and home-schooled students. Essays are judged for historical accuracy, adherence to topic, organization of material, interest, originality, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and neatness. Essays are due to our chapter by November 1. Awards are presented at our February meeting. Interested students should see their teachers, guidance counselors, or contact our chapter for more information.


DAR Good Citizens Award Program and Scholarship Contest

This program is for students in grade 12. The high school faculty selects one senior who best demonstrates the qualities of a good citizen (dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism) in their homes, schools, and communities. A committee reviews each school representative based on their essays and accomplishments, and an overall chapter winner is selected. 


Wings of Eagles Scholarship 

The Ohio State Society DAR awards Wings of Eagles Scholarships each year to a senior in high school who is going to pursue a degree at a college or university. Applicants must be legal residents of Ohio and be sponsored by the Canton Chapter, NSDAR. The scholarship is based on academic excellence and financial need. 


Canton Chapter, NSDAR, Legacy Award

Any family member of a Canton Chapter, NSDAR, member who is entering college is eligible to apply for this award​.


Junior American Citizen Award

This program is for students in grades K - 12. This award recognizes and rewards students who demonstrates the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities. 




The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.

 Updated March 12, 2024 Canton Chapter, NSDAR

Photo Credits;  Michelle Mayle, Joanne Malene, Cindy Nichols, Canton Chapter,  NSDAR


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